Feb 6, 2007

Two Freebies for you!

It has been longer between posts than I intended. My real job our home based business is seasonal and we are getting it back in the swing of things. That takes a lot of my "free" time. So it may be longer between posts sometimes. To make up for that a little bit I am going to post two new freebies today! These go with the So Sweet kit. They are some of the embellishments. There are two ribbons for your pages. These are 17" long so you can use them diagonally if you'd like! I hope you like them!

As always, these are free to download as long as you agree to my terms of use. You can find those on the side bar or with the freebie. If you agree to my terms you can download your freebie here.

To get notice of the Freebies as they are released- Enter your Email

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