Apr 20, 2007

Freebie Friday

I have an alpha for you this week. It goes with the Summer kit that we gave away at the crop last week. If you missed the crop or any of the awards I will post some digi challenges and will give second chances for getting all of the freebies! How cool is that?!?!

Here's the alpha:They are individual files even! LOL! So you can go to ScrapGalaxy and get your link! Please stop in and say hello! If you make any creations with DigiApe Designs let me know! I would love to see them!

I am going to be working on adding a gallery of the creations you share with me! Just send me a picture (jpg file, 100-200kb preferred!). I will be working on this over the next couple of weeks.


Anonymous said...

love those alphas April...thanks so much!!

Vicki Hook said...

Hi April! I went to ScrapGalaxy to get the link to download your cool alpha set, but the link at SG doesn't seem to be working for me. I was clicking on the second link that's in your post there. :o(