May 25, 2007

Playtime Kit

Well, I guess I've been missing for a few days! I have been so crazy this week. I don't know about your schools, but this seems to be the busiest time at ours. Cramming in all the concerts and "special" events at the last minute. And then there's Memorial Day and so soccer games were changed, and it just all adds up to me being a little bit crazy!

But, I did manage to get a kit almost ready! I am actually tweaking the ribbons right now and it should be finished up over the weekend! I love the colors of this kit. I was trying to scrap soccer photos and couldn't find the right colors in my stash, which is amazing. I have a huge stash! LOL! So, this kit came about as a result of my "need". Hope you like it! I will post a pic of the elements after I am done tweaking! I had a lot of fun with them, there are tons of different elements!

Have a great weekend! Be careful and have fun!

If you want to purchase the kit it will be in DID hopefully tomorrow!

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