Aug 30, 2008

CT and Hybrid Team Calls!

Creative Team, One Kit Wonder CT and Hybrid Team Calls:

I am looking to add a few talented page artists and hybrid artists to my team for EITHER a 3-4 month gig, or a ONE KIT WONDER gig.

The holidays are coming, I am going back to school and I know I need more scrappers to help me test and sample my upcoming kits. If you are interested in applying for the team here's the details:

The call will be open until filled. I have no set number of positions, if I love what you do I will add you to the team! If you are interested in being a One Kit Wonder please indicate that when you apply and tell me which kit you'd like to work with! I will post preview pics on this blog only! And you can tell me your preference.

My CT Call:

I have a FREE Mini kit in my store- Farmer's Market. If you are interested in applying you must grab that kit and use it (and no other products) to scrap the best layout you can! Upload the page at DST, MSA or Mega Byte Mall and send me a link by e-mail. I will choose my new CT members based on what I see you can do with the free kit! This is a mini, I have not included everything from the full kit. I am wanting to see how creatively you use the items and just what you think of! (more details below)

One Kit Wonder CT:

*I will be requiring ONE page (done beautifully) with one kit you choose from my list of open kits. It must be high quality, show off the kit to its fullest potential and be eye catching. It also can only contain my products.

*I require the layout to be posted in the galleries at DST, MSA, MegaByte Mall and one other open gallery of your choice. Then you will e-mail me a link to the galleries.

No further commitment involved!

CT Requirements:

*I will be requiring ONE page (done beautifully) per kit. It must be high quality, show off the kit to its fullest potential and be eye catching. It also can only contain my products.

*I require the layouts to be posted in the galleries at DST, MSA, MegaByte Mall and one other open gallery of your choice.

*I require you to use everything you get from my store in at least one layout. You will be given a store credit to use as you choose, but you must use each item in at least one layout.

*I require at least one layout per month. Other than that it is as much or little as you want.

(BLOG Challenges are not going to be happening. I just can't take that on! So if you saw that requirement it is no longer here.)

*You are required to be active in the CT forum, posting at least once per week, and keeping track of your progress in the forum. (The CT forum is only for CT members, no public forums are on my site. So no forum participation is required other than to keep you up to date!

To apply:

1. Grab the free kit in my store

2. Scrap your best layout with only that kit.

3. Upload the kit at DST, MSA or Mega Byte Mall

4. Send me an e-mail (send to with the following:

*your name AND your DST or MSA username and specify which forum it is from

*a link to the page you created and uploaded

*tell me a little about you- your hobbies, interests, style of scrapping, your family or anything else that would help me get to know you a little bit more.

*If you have any references that I can contact that would be a bonus for you!

*Tell me if you are currently on any other teams (and which ones they are) or if you have been on any teams in the past.

*If you want to be a One Kit Wonder CT this is an ongoing call. You can let me know which kit preview you prefer to use. Follow all of the steps above, but if the free kit is not in the store then skip that step.

HYBRID Design Team Call:

If you love hybrid and would like to earn products you can use for gifts or yourself the ext 3 months then this call might be just for you! I am looking for a hybrid team that will use and sample kits I am working on! This call will be taken very seriously. If you do not send all of the information I am asking for your application will be deleted. Sorry, but I have to know you are able to follow instructions to a "t"! And the application is the first place to start. So please follow the instructions carefully!

Hybrid Design Team Requirements:

*I will require you to make something beautiful with a kit I will mail you. I will send you the supplies you need other than cutting/adhesive supplies. (Yeah, in other words you will be getting real live product in the mail as well as any downloads specifically for the project!!!)

*You will receive an unspecified amount of kits. It will not be more than one per month. You will have 2-3 weeks to complete the project, take your pictures and send them to me.

*Upload pictures of the projects and post in the galleries at DST, MSA, MegaByte Mall and one other open gallery of your choice.

***You are required to be active in the CT forum, posting at least once per week, and keeping track of your progress in the forum.**

This is pretty serious as it isn't free for me. So I will be looking for the best! If you are a hard worker, do your best with your projects, honest and loving hybrid then read below for your instructions to apply!

(I am no longer going to do challenges on the blog)

To Apply:

1. Send me an e-mail (send to with the following:

*your name AND your DST or MSA username and specify which forum it is from

*a link to the project you created and uploaded (or pictures of the project)

*tell me a little about you- your hobbies, interests, style of scrapping, your family or anything else that would help me get to know you a little bit more.

2. I need to know where you live- city, (state), country, zip

3. I also need to see 3-5 sample photos of a project you have done. They need to be high quality so that they would be usable in a store sample gallery. This will be as important as the project itself in my decision. I will not accept blurry, low res or bad lighting in sample pictures. They must be 300dpi, jpg format, and at least 1000 pixels wide.

4. If you have any references that I can contact that would be a bonus for you!

5. Tell me if you are currently on any other teams (and which ones they are) or if you have been on any teams in the past.

Thank you! And good luck to everyone who applies!


Unknown said...

I would really love to apply for your CT call, but am I blind or haven't you put the free kit in the store yet?

As said...

It isn't in yet! I said it would be in between the 1st and the 4th! I am still getting the kit ready. It will be in the freebie category in the store when I add it. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks! I just read that wrong..I thought that was when the call was ending, lol. I will be back then!

As said...

No worries! These usually don't get posted with advance warning! :) I just knew I was planning it and was hoping to get the news all out at once. haha